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Transaction API

Get All Transactions

Get list of transactions.

use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Facades\Paystack;
use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;

$optionalPayload = [
    'perPage' => 50,
    'page' => 2,
    'from' => '2021-12-31',
    'to' => '2021-06-01',

// Using the facade
$transactions = Paystack::getAllTransactions($optionalPayload);

// Using Dependency Injection
public function index(PaystackContract $paystack)
    $transactions = $paystack->getAllTransactions($optionalPayload);

// Using the helper function
$transactions = paystack()->getAllTransactions($optionalPayload);

Get Transaction

Get a single transaction.

use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Facades\Paystack;
use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;

$transactionId = "TRX_1234567890";

// Using the facade
$transactions = Paystack::getTransaction($transactionId);

// Using Dependency Injection
public function index(PaystackContract $paystack)
    $transactions = $paystack->getTransaction($transactionId);

// Using the helper function
$transactions = paystack()->getTransaction($transactionId);

Verify Transaction

Verify a transaction.

use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Facades\Paystack;
use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;

$transactionId = "Trx_1234567890";

// Using the facade
$transaction = Paystack::verifyTransaction($transactionId);

// Using Dependency Injection
public function index(PaystackContract $paystack)
    $transaction = $paystack->verifyTransaction($transactionId);

// Using the helper function
$transaction = paystack()->verifyTransaction($transactionId);

Handle Transaction

Web Payment can be handled in the following ways:

  1. Prepare your route to handle the payment request:

     use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
     use App\Http\Controllers\PaystackPaymentController;
     Route::post('/payment', [PaystackPaymentController::class, 'initiatePayment'])->name('payment.initiate');
  2. Create a controller to handle the payment request: In the controller, you can use your desired Payment Gateway to handle the payment request using the facade, helper or dependency injection.

    • Create a controller to handle the payment request using Facade.
      use Illuminate\Http\Request;
      use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Facades\Paystack;
      class PaystackPaymentController extends Controller
          public function initiatePayment(Request $request)
              $payment = Paystack::redirectToCheckout([
                  'amount' => 1000,
                  'email' => '',
                  'reference' => '123456789',
                  'callback_url' => '',
              return $payment;
    • Create a controller to handle the payment request using Helper.
      use Illuminate\Http\Request;
      class PaystackPaymentController extends Controller
          public function initiatePayment(Request $request)
              $payment = paystack()->redirectToCheckout([
                  'amount' => 1000,
                  'email' => '',
                  'reference' => '123456789',
              return $payment;
      In the above example, the redirectToCheckout() method was called without the parameters callback_url in the array. This means you have to add callback url in your paystack dashboard here to handle redirect after payment.
    • Create a controller to handle the payment request using Dependency Injection through the PaystackContract interface.
      use Illuminate\Http\Request;
      use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;
      class PaystackPaymentController extends Controller
        public function initiatePayment(Request $request, PaystackContract $paystack)
            $payment = $paystack->redirectToCheckout();
            return $payment;
      In the above example, the PaystackContract interface was injected into the controller through dependency injection. The redirectToCheckout method was called without passing any parameters, this is because the package has been configured to use the values from the request() object to make the payment request if no parameters are passed to the method. This allows you to make payment requests without having to pass any parameters to the method instead you can send the data using hidden inputs in your form or as a json object in your request body.
      Example of a blade form that can be used to make such a request:
       <form action="{{ route('payment.initiate') }}" method="POST">
          <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1000">
          <input type="hidden" name="email" value="">
          <input type="hidden" name="reference" value="123456789">
          <input type="hidden" name="metadata" value="{{ json_encode(['custom_fields' => ['name' => 'Musah Musah']]) }}"
          <input type="hidden" name="callback_url" value="">
           <button type="submit">Pay</button>
      This way when the form is submitted, the request() object will be used to extract the data in the hidden inputs inside the redirectToCheckout method and make the payment request, allowing you to call the redirectToCheckout method without passing any parameters.
      The metadata field is optional, you can add any custom fields you want to the metadata field.
      Additionally, you need to generate a unique reference for each payment request. You can readmore about paystack payment requests here
  3. Handle the payment response:
    Upon successful payment, you will be redirected to the callback_url that you set in your paystack dashboard or the callback_url you passed in the payment request.

    • Add a route to handle the payment response.
      use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
      use App\Http\Controllers\PaystackPaymentController;
      Route::get('/payment/callback', [PaystackPaymentController::class, 'handlePaymentResponse'])->name('payment.callback');
    • Create a controller to handle the payment response.
        use Illuminate\Http\Request;
        use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;
        class PaystackPaymentController extends Controller
            public function handlePaymentResponse(Request $request, PaystackContract $paystack)
                $paymentResponse = $paystack->getPaymentData();
                // Handle payment response here

For an api based application where the client is served by a mobile app or on a separate domain, you can use this approach instead:

  1. Initialize the payment with the client (mobile app or web app built with react, vue etc) served on a separate domain or port. This can be done using the Paystack Inline Popup here.

  2. Verify the payment using the verifyPayment method provided by the package. This method will verify the payment using the reference that has to be passed to the request body.
    Your route should look like this:

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
    use App\Http\Controllers\PaymentController;
    Route::post('/payment/verify', [PaystackPaymentController::class, 'verifyPayment'])->name('payment.verify');

    Your Controller should look like this:

    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use MusahMusah\LaravelMultipaymentGateways\Contracts\PaystackContract;
    class PaystackPaymentController extends Controller
        public function verifyPayment(Request $request, PaystackContract $paystack)
            $paymentResponse = $paystack->verifyTransaction($request->reference);
            if ($paymentResponse->status === 'success') {
                // Handle payment response here

Released under the MIT License.